What’s Up With Getting High
I like the feeling of being blowed; getting lit, taking off! Its like floating down a nice clean river on a soft summer day, or the gentle rocking of a hammock being swayed by a gentle breeze, the sweetness that truly takes in the essence of “Fuck it”. But what is that feeling really? What’s it all about? How does it happen? Is there more to marijuana than feeling all Loosey Goosey? Let’s take a look and see what the buzz is all about.
Here’s a fun word to add to our dictionary; Cannabinoids. What are they? There are several significant compounds in cannabis plants. When activated and consumed these chemicals can affect how you think and feel. The most well-known of these compounds are THC and CBD. But there are dozens of others.
THC is the most psychotropic. That means that it changes how you think and feel. It also means you feel high. CBD is not psychotropic. It is sometimes separated out. Why? Because CBD alone has pain-relieving and stress-reducing properties without the buzz. I like to call it diet-weed. Cannabinoids interact with something in your body called the endocannabinoid system (ECS). So, what is the ECS and how does it work?
Wired For Weed
Our bodies were made for this...probably. What I mean is, there are receptors located throughout your body that are ready and waiting for you to light up. Receptors are things the cells in your body use to take in chemicals to regulate function. They are connections for chemicals. These chemicals help cells do their jobs.
The ECS has two different receptors – CB1 and CB2. CB1 connections are found mostly in nervous system cells. CB2 receptors are more associated with your immune system. Different cannabinoids interact with the two receptors in different ways. The CB1 nervous system and CB2 immune receptors like to latch onto THC. THC resembles a chemical called anandamide. Anandamide makes people feel good when they exercise. It also reduces muscle aches and pains. Runners sometimes experience a high from this chemical. Anandamide also works with the CB1 and CB2 connections on nerve cells. The nerve cells transmit information to the brain, your brain then gets...Loosey Goosey. THC and anandamide stimulate your brain to release endorphins. Endorphins relax your mind and ease physical pain. CBD is another cannabinoid that helps with stress and pain. CB1 and CB2 receptors are blocked by CBD. This can reduce the high effects of THC, but also prevents pain-signaling chemicals from getting through. Your brain then doesn’t focus so much on the hurt. That’s how CBD fights pain and inflammation. The endocannabinoid system regulates body functions. When everything is balanced and working well that’s called homeostasis. Balance and stability are what the ECS is all about.
Getting high not only feels good, but it can also be good for you. The same chemicals in marijuana that make us feel buzzed also have mental and physical health benefits. THC makes your brain happy. CBD eases pain and inflammation. The other cannabinoids and terpenes work together to enhance the buzz and the other benefits of cannabis. The endocannabinoid system built into your body is designed to use these wonderful ganja gifts to make you feel better and balanced.
Enjoy that extra bang from your bong, your brain and your body will thank you!
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